Thursday, January 7, 2010

LG Sphere Specification

LG Sphere
LG Sphere is very first concept Cellphone of year 2010. It was project of year 2009 but its unveiled in Cellphone market in January 2010. LG Sphere is developed by the Domus Academy, collaborating with LG Electronics and Gino Finizio Design Management. Main aspect of LG was to developer a phone that’s touch screen based, high tech and relying 3D interface. LG Sphere is designed by an Italian designer Federico Weber.
LG Sphere
LG Sphere changes according to requirement and mood of its user by using Bluetooth and GPS that is integrated in phone. Cellphone also support 3D interface, based on half sphere, for personalization and virtual expansion. LG Sphere has another great feature; it uses convex display, so the user can attain an instant perception of the three-dimensional space.
LG Sphere
Size: 100x65 mm (height and width)
3D touch Interface
3 Side hardware buttons are integrated for immediate interaction
On screen Keyboard
3D Navigation System
Change Colors and Setting (Depends on Place)
Convex display
Better 3D effect


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